| WIND | EPFL WIRE: Better predict turbulent transport of momentum and scalars (e.g., heat, water vapor, pollutants) in environmental flows, with emphasis on the atmospheric boundary layer and wind energy systems. | MORE INFO |
| EPFL |
| TRANSPORT & LOGISTICS | E-Sling: Elektroflugzeug, mit dem der CO2 Ausstoss um 100 % und die Lärmbelastung um 75% reduziert werden soll. | MORE INFO |
| ETH |
| TRANSPORT & LOGISTICS | Scalable digital transportation twins for cities. | MORE INFO |
| ETH |
| PHOTOVOLTAIC | Solar Panels that protect themselves in high temperatures. | MORE INFO |
| EPFL |
| PHOTOVOLTAIC | Research project examples. | MORE INFO |
| FHNW |
| PHOTOVOLTAIC | PV-LAB : New processes for the preparation of thin-film silicon. | MORE INFO |
| EPFL |
| PHOTOVOLTAIC | Molecular Engineering of Functional Materials for Photovoltaic and Light emitting applications. | MORE INFO |
| EPFL |
| PHOTOVOLTAIC | Center for Photovoltaics. | MORE INFO |
| CSEM |
| PHOTOVOLTAIC | PV and Solar Buildings - Integrated Energy. | MORE INFO |
| CSEM |
| PHOTOVOLTAIC | List of Solar Power Research Projects. | MORE INFO |
| ETH |
| PHOTOVOLTAIC | Photovoltaic systems in the mountains to generate renewable winter electricity and reduce the need for seasonal storage is to operate. | MORE INFO |
| ZHAW |
| GRID | CSEM can help grid operators and energy providers create new services, improve asset management, and create value from the data they collect by exploiting cutting-edge data science. | MORE INFO |
| CSEM |
| GRID | SCCER-FURIES: Power-grid-related innovative solutions | MORE INFO |
| EPFL |
| ENERGY SAVING BUILDING MATERIALS | List of Energy Efficient Circuits and IoT Systems | MORE INFO |
| ETH |
| ENERGY SAVING BUILDING MATERIALS | Advanced materials for applications and integration of new solutions into next-generation energy-efficient Building concepts | MORE INFO |
| EMPA |
| ENERGY SAVING BUILDING MATERIALS | Simulation and Analysis of Buildings and Districts Decarbonization of energy supply through on-site (thermal) networks | MORE INFO |
| FHZ |
| CROSS CUTTING | Energy Science Center (ESC), Renewable Management and Real Time Control Platform ReMap. | MORE INFO |
| ETH |
| CROSS CUTTING | Energy Science Center (ESC), PATHways to an Efficient Future Energy System through Flexibilita aND SectoR Coupling (PATHFNDR) for renewable energy integration. | MORE INFO |
| ETH |
| CROSS CUTTING | Demonstration of the entire process chain to carbon-neutral fuels. | MORE INFO |
| ETH |
| CROSS CUTTING | Scalable graphene membrane fabrication for for water purification and gas separation. | MORE INFO |
| ETH |
| CROSS CUTTING | Applied research and development of different hydraulic systems of large- and small hydropower plants; production, management, and storage of renewable energies, multi-energy grids. | MORE INFO |
| HES-SO |
| CROSS CUTTING | EPFL energy efficiency research covers a vast number of aspects such as power-to-gaz and cogeneration, building design, industrial separation processes, small scale turbomachinery, or high power electronics. | MORE INFO |
| EPFL |
| CCUS/NEXT-GEN THERMAL | CO2 Capture from Atmospheric Air using the CaCO3-CaO cycle | MORE INFO |
| ETH |
| CCUS/NEXT-GEN THERMAL | Synfuel Initiatives (in collaboration with EMPA, SCCER & ETH) | MORE INFO |
| PSI |
| CCUS/NEXT-GEN THERMAL | From Waste to Products – CO2 capture, use and storage (WtP) | MORE INFO |
| EPFL |
| CCUS/NEXT-GEN THERMAL | UniBS AUG (Applied and Environmental Geology) develops management tools for the thermal utilization of the subsurface to enable sustainable use of underground resources. | MORE INFO |
| CCUS/NEXT-GEN THERMAL | EPFL Greenhouse models for Carbon storage, use and storage | MORE INFO |
| EPFL |
| BIOMASS | Produce bioethanol and two additional end products: furfural, a much-used industrial compound, and lignin, a solid fuel for biorefinery from agricultural residues. | MORE INFO |
| EPFL |
| BIOMASS | EPFL LRESE: conversion of renewable energies (solar, wind, biomass, hydro and geothermal) into storable fuels, materials and commodities. | MORE INFO |
| EPFL |
| BIOMASS | The HydroPilot project to produce synthetic biogas. | MORE INFO |
| PSI |
| BATTERY | Cost-effective battery manufacturing. | MORE INFO |
| ETH |
| BATTERY | Energy Storage and Battery Management. | MORE INFO |
| CSEM |
| BATTERY | PSI's main focus lies in characterization and development of materials, especially for lithimu-ion batteries. | MORE INFO |
| PSI |
| BATTERY | PEFCs: PSI is developing a new, non-invasive method as part of a SFOE (Swiss Federal Office of Energy) project. PFCEs= Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cells which are central to the use of hydrogen in the mobility sector. | MORE INFO |
| PSI |
| AMMONIA/HYDROGEN | An international group of researchers led by the Paul Scherrer Institute and the Heriot-Watt University has carried out in-depth analyses of the climate impact of blue hydrogen. This is produced from natural gas, with the CO2 resulting from the process captured and stored. | MORE INFO |
| PSI |
| AMMONIA/HYDROGEN | Cost-effective new method for converting and storing solar energy into hydrogen | MORE INFO |
| EPFL |