Switzerland Innovation Cleantech Ecosystem
OverviewSwitzerland Innovation Cleantech Ecosystem
Switzerland Innovation is facilitating collaborations for companies, startups, and universities to find solutions to world’s most pressing challenges. Together with its partners, Switzerland Innovation forms an ecosystem accelerating the transformation of research results into marketable products and services.

The research fields cover Life Science, Advanced Manufacturing, Materials, Robotics, Computational Science and many others. On this page, we focus on energy-efficient technologies as Switzerland is one of the most innovative countries and an important global economic and research hub of energy innovation.
More and more Japanese companies join forces to deliver disruptive innovation by placing a team at the Switzerland Innovation Parks. The Switzerland Innovation network welcomes you to join it!

Park Basel Area

University of Basel

Park Biel/Bienne

University of Bern

Bern University of Applied Science
Research groups, test facilities & incubators :

Park Innovaare

Paul Scherrer Institut (PSI )

University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland (FHNW)

Swiss Nanoscience Institute (SNI)

The Institute of Biomass and Resource Efficiency (IBRE)

Institute of Polymer Nanotechnology (INKA)

KATZ (Plastics Training and Technology Center)
Research groups, test facilities & incubators :

Park Network West EPFL

Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne (EPFL)


HES-SO Valais-Wallis

Swiss Competence Center for Energy Research (SCCER)

Université de Lausanne

University of Geneva

University of Fribourg

The School of Management and Engineering Vaud (HEIG-VD)
Research groups, test facilities & incubators :
EPFL Innovation Park
Bluefactory Fribourg

Park Zurich

Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETH)

Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology (EMPA)

University of Zürich

Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW)
Research groups, test facilities & incubators :
ETH AI Center
ETH Separation Processes Laboratory
ETH Group of Sustainability and Technology
ETH Materials and Device Engineering Group
ETH Functional Inorganic Materials Lab
ETH Power Electronic Systems Laboratory
ETH Laboratory for High Power Electronic Systems
ETH Power Systems Laboratory
ETH Energy Science Center (members)

Park Ticino

Scuola Universitaria Professionale della Svizzera italiana (SUPSI)

Università della Svizzera italiana (USI)

Park Central

The Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts

Park OST

University of St.Gallen

Eastern Switzerland University of Applied Sciences (OST)
Switzerland Innovation Parks Service Offers and Benefits
- Private office space
- Coworking space
- Laboratories, Cleanrooms
- Test facilities with 3D printers, laser cutters
- Events/Workshops
- Access to partner network and innovation ecosystem
- Support in funding and marketing
- Consultation in entrepreneurship, creating a business model and forward-looking technology solutions to push sustainability and circular economy
- Collaboration/Partnership projects with the top universities and research institutions
- Access to community of startups and companies
- Start-up accelerator programs and support
- Business coaching program
- Technology scouting within the SIP’s research partner network
Switzerland Innovation Parks at glance
- Personalized Health
- Advanced Manufacturing
- AI
Success Stories – How Japanese Companies benefits from Swiss Innovation Ecosystem
The energy research programmes managed by the SFOE (Swiss Federal Office of Energy)
Energy research and innovation report
Key Swiss Circular Economy Features
Database of Swiss cleantech companies